The Things We Love is the fifth episode in the second season of "Our Special Friend Barney" it is a semi remake of "My Favorite Things"
The School is having a show and tell so the kids show Barney their favorite things.
Karen brings her teddy bears , Jimmy brought his lucky charm (a necklace with a rock attached to it) Kristy brought her dancing shoes and Jake brought his bug collection.
Baby Bop and Riff appear and brings them their favorite things (Baby Bop's is her yellow blankey and Riff's is a instrument with a funny name called the glockenspiel)
Near the end of the episode, the kids ask if Barney has a favorite thing. He magically makes a mirror appear and adds that the reason why the mirror is his favorite thing, it's because it shows his other favorite thing his friends.
Educational Theme:The Types Of Things We Like
Stories:The Dog And His Shadow
- Barney
- Baby Bop
- Riff
- Jimmy
- Jake
- Kristy
- Karen
- Rickey The Traveler
- Barney Theme Song
- Let's Play Together
- Me and My Teddy
- My Yellow Blankey
- Silly Sounds
- We Like Rocks
- Look at Me I'm Dancing
- Five Little Butterflys
- Share Your Stuff (labled as "It's Not So Tough To Share" in the end credits)
- I Love You
- This is Riff's first apperance in the spinoff
- "The Dog And The Shadow" uses the same footage from "Trading Places" (only diffrence is Stella's narration is replaced by a new naration from Rickey)