Cleaning Up With Barney is a Barney Clip Show featuring clips from seasons 4-15 of Barney & Friends as well as seasons 1,3 and 4 of Our Special Friend Barney
Barney, BJ, Baby Bop, and Riff clean up the hangout's rooms. Along the way they find things that remind them of fun times they've had with friends
Cast In New Footage[]
- Barney (costume: Barry Duke III voice: Korey Durham)
- Baby Bop (Voice: Julie Johnson, Costume: Jennifer Gibel)
- BJ (Voice: Patty Writz, Costume: Dave Kendall)
- Riff (Voice: Michaela Dietz, Costume: Jared Harris)
Cast In Archive Footage[]
- Barney (Voice: Bob West/Dean Wendt, Costume: David Joyner/Carey Stintson/Aronzo Traylor II)
- Baby Bop (Costume: Jeff Ayers/Jennifer Kendall/Lauren Mayeux)
- BJ (Costume: Jeff Brooks/Kyle Nelson)
- Riff (Costume: Adam Brown/Jeff Ayers)
- Karen
- Marie
- Isaiah
- Sophia
- Ethan
- Jimmy
- Ricky the Traveler
- Joshua
- Emma
- Billy
- Fred
- Jasmine
- Jason
- Kristy
- Mario Canoli
- Zack
- Kim
- Kristen
- Robert
- Chris
- Natalie
- Oliva
- Scooter: Todd Duffey
- Ms Etta: Britt McKillip
- Professor Tinkerputt (Barry Pearl)
Song List[]
- Barney Theme Song
- Clean, Up Do Your Share
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat (Scene taken from Venice Anyone?: Italy)
- In The Kitchen (Holiday At The Hangout)
- Mish Mash Soup (Look What's Cooking)
- I Can Laugh (Is Everybody Happy?)
- Hero (Let's Go To The Firehouse)
- Pick Up Your Part of Your Part of The World (It's Easy Going Green)
- Laugh With Me (Get Happy!)
- Mr Knickerbocker (A Friend You See Is A Friend Indeed)
- Big Parade of Numbers (Just In The Nick Of Time)
- Hula In The Morning (Bird Of A Diffrent Feather:Hawaii)
- Blue Jay Blues (Come On Over To Barney's House)
- Love Is The Key (Celebrating Around The World)
- If All The Raindrops (Tinkerputt's Wacky Inventions)
- Old King Cole (Mother Goose Is Back)
- The Clean Up Clock (Lots Of Letters)
- Sharing Together (Count Me In!)
- You Can Count On Me (Barney's Stuuupendous Birthday!)
- I Love You